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Page history last edited by petrosphokaides 14 years, 1 month ago



The Study Area



The study area offers us the opportunity to highlight the complexities and the particular features of the contemporary Albanian capital. It is located in western Tirana and is, in fact, an in-between urban zone; a zone between the city center and the periphery, a zone between the socialist past and the post-socialist present, a zone between formal and informal urban development.


The study area is surrounded by four major road axes: the Durres Str, the Kavaja Str, the second and the third ring road. These axes, -in particular the Durres Str that also leads to the city’s airport- attract new, mainly commercial land uses, while many high-rise buildings have been recently constructed.


The interior of the area is mainly residential mixed with a variety of other uses. The often-chaotic combination of various scales and densities, designs and plans, consists of:


  • the former state owned apartment buildings
  • the post-socialist high-rise housing developments
  • the low-rise informal houses
  • vacant land
  • shops and markets
  • important public buildings such as the Technical University and the Partizani Stadium
  • the city’s old, inactive airport
  • the unformed bank of Lana River


The social structure of the area is equally diverse, hosting groups of different origin, as well as of cultural, economic and social background.


The study area offers the chance to address such urgent urban issues as: the lack of social and technical infrastructures, the low quality and fragmentation of public space and green areas, the physical and symbolic divisions of space and the lack of centralities. It also offers us an opportunity to explore different meanings and understandings of public, common and private space that, in turn, shape the spatial realities of the area.


At the same time the boundaries of the area (the Tirana-Durres axis, the Lana River and the two ring roads), as well as the new multi-functional developments promoted by public and/or private sector within or close to this area (for instance a new pedestrian boulevard along the landing zone of the old airport, a housing project between Lana River and the old airport, etc) present a challenge in terms of understanding their social, economic and spatial dynamics and their impact on the neighborhood level and the local communities.





Maps and Aerial photos

Aerial Photo



Thematic maps

Existing Land Use Map

Urban Typologies Map

Urban Expansion Map

Informal Settlement Map

Population Distribution Map

Population Densities Map










Brief Competition for the old airport

Analysis - report

Analysis & Proposal - presentation


Park city project

Tirana priority zones - map

Proposal - poster
















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